01 March 2011

The Relevance of Escalators

If this is a page your eyes have passed before you might be wondering why the change. Why does it all seem to be different suddenly, and why not just a little, a lot. Well life happened, and keeps happening. And as it goes and I change elements of my life change, frequently out of necessity. This just happened to be one of those elements. So as the seconds continue to pass by and my eyes glance at the ever wasting seconds as I sit here I feel compelled to explain the relevance.

I am afraid of escalators. Correction. I used to be afraid of them. I am nearly at the point of having overcome this fear. And as I found myself on the longest escalators I could have imagined recently I realized how far I had come along. It wasnt long ago at all that I would just opt for the stairs, or if forced to take an escalator I would do so with great care as I would clench the siderail. Those days arent gone or forgotten. If my arm or bag brushes up against the side I get anxious and find myself breathing deeply as the feeling passes. I still stair at the moving steps as I get on each time and I still get apprehensive about getting off.

But the thing is I have decided its a ridiculous fear and one that I should overcome. So as I noted my progress of this I realized that there is a lot in my life I need to just overcome. Instead of letting things engulf me and swarm around in my head like fruit flies ravaging, I should just do something about things. So I am. I have started taking those bigs steps I have been avoiding. I am no longer going to reside in my own shadow as I watch my fears and concerns be my forerunners to life. I would rather actually put myself out there and try and figure life out than to just continue to be trampled and insecure.

I am determined to get on the escalators that seem to be the hard options but often the right ones.

1 comment:

  1. can you put html in these? we'll certainly find out
    (sad day, img tags are not allowed...)
