22 March 2011

A New Dr Seuss

It was well into the wee hours of the morning. I had just finished being read a second Dr Seuss story. Something which seems atypical of a 22 year old who has lived away from home for nearly 5 years. But there I was, on the phone with my mother listening to good night stories. Here is about how the conversation went.

Mum-"Maybe you should start rhyming til you fall asleep. The world needs a new Dr Seuss since he has passed away."
Me-"Does the world need a new Jesus because he passed away? No. So there cant be a new Dr Seuss, Mum."
Mum-"You are funny even when you are sick and tired."

You cant fill the shoes of legacies or people that completely changed the world. You can only hope and strive to become someone that is a legacy or someone that people miss and strive to be like when you are gone. You cant be someone else, you can only hope to be the best version of you.

I wish I met Dr Seuss.

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