31 March 2011

The Elephant in the Room vs The Gecko in Your Pants

There is often a so called elephant in the room. This is an expression used to represent the topics that we sidestep,the major issues that we refuse to deal with. Superbly depicted by Banksy.

And yet we continually accept these elephants, so much so that we arrange them in our lives. We make them feel welcome and at home. Instead of dealing with the obvious truth, or addressing issues or taking risks we do everything in our power to normalize them so we wont have to deal with them.

Now picture this. You think there is a gecko in your pants. Are you going to welcome it and make it feel at home and let it fit in? No. Trust me. If you think there is a gecko in your pants you will take action immediately! You will do everything in your power to rectify the situation nearly instantaneously.

It's time to stop letting the elephants be part of the room and think of them more like geckos. In our avoidance of issues we are projecting them, making them appear much bigger and more daunting then they likely are. If we take note of them and then break them down to gecko size we will be able to just deal with them. Instead of welcoming them in, letting them take up a massive portion of the room and be an awkward spectacle everyone avoids mentioning; we are just letting them grow and grow. Dealing with these elephants appropriately upon arrival really just saves everyone a lot of hassle. So the next time an elephant happens to knock on the door perhaps you should think of how you would feel if a gecko was in your pants.

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