26 May 2011

That Team That Plays That Game

I watched this team play this sport against this other team the other night. And I was going to write about the game but really thats irrelevant. So just know its was some sporting event and thats about all I knew prior to my viewing. Sometimes details are irrelevant. All you need to know is that someone is sad or lonely or happy or proud or something like that. Sometimes all you need is the bare minimum to be able to attend to a situation. I get so caught up in details. Little things like the order something is done in, or technicalities. I get so intertwined in a world of useless tiny things that I forget that there is something bigger, much bigger. And if I would just step back and look at the whole picture, or even just a larger portion of it I would see something beautiful. Or maybe I would see that the little pains I feel sometimes are nothing in the grand scheme of things. A little perspective never hurt anyone. Going to watch that game that that team played gave me the slightest glimpse. I thought no one noticed me, like I was a ghost just gliding through motions in so many social scenes. And then this girl upon our introduction brought up doing yoga with me. Maybe I dont exist in the shadows. Maybe the picture is so much bigger than the cubby on the floor that I sit in to study. I think its time to take a few steps back from the intrinsics that envelop me.

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