23 October 2012

My Discomfort With Your Salty Water

The tears are stalking me. It is like there is an unknown being that recognizes my extreme aversion to those salty drops and therefore tries to place as many dripping areas as possible into my current existence. It appears that none of the others have any patients that leak and yet far too many of mine do. And not because I am awful, usually just because they are overwhelmed. And I probably would feel the same if I was them. I just have to admit that I am not fond of these moments. And it isnt because I think people should never cry. I just know that if I am crying something is truly burdening my soul and I hate that feeling so when I think that must be someone else than my heart starts breaking for them and I just want to pull out a little needle and thread and try and stitch them back together. So I swear I dont hate tears because I am heartless, I hate them because they make my heart hurt. My goal is to go through this whole week without tears finding their way into my life. But I know it wont happen because I work with people that have a reason to cry and burdens I cant entirely lift. So maybe I should wish that their tears didnt break my heart so much.

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