23 August 2012

My Bittersweet New Favourite Colour

It feels like only I could add emotion to a colour that has become my new favourite. It is so spring like which is fitting as I just realized it was almost spring. I possibly commented on how summer was about to end the other night, I dont know why I cant adjust to the seasons. Perhaps it is because with 22 years of training it will take more than 2 to swap the months and their correlating seasons. Or perhaps without snow I just cant actually refer to this as winter. Regardless with spring in the air I have found that turquoise/teal colour has really become a staple in my mind. Since I exude black it hasnt penetrated that realm yet. But as I sat looking at the new earring I was about to don and their beautiful colour I remembered a house with trimming of this shade. And as the colour began to seep with thoughts of the past and emotion I wondered how closely we tie our memories to things. To sounds, to smells, to tastes. It seems that more and more frequently I am feeling taken back to times long forgotten by something as simple as a waft of cologne as someone walks past on the train. I want to say something profound about it but all I can really think is that it is extremely beautiful how we can appear to forget so much but in reality it takes the smallest of triggers to bring on wave after wave of memories. Perhaps the earrings wont last and I will revert back to a shade I love but regardless, today they are feeling a bit bittersweet as I reminisce over what was lost and about the pains of growing up but at the same time recognizing the joy in growth. Spring is anticipated to bring about more change than a colour though so prepare for words depicting the hailstorm of a lifetime or perhaps just a soft wind. I am not even sure.

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