23 August 2012

Exciting Things Like Heroin

Is it not normal to ask someone if they are doing anything exciting like heroin? It seems to make sense to me. And not in a literal but sorta literal way. I mean if they responded with "why yes, I am in fact doing heroin" I woud at least know which could lead to me helping them or perhaps just explain their odd behaviour. The thing is, this is exactly the sort of thing I say. I say things that can be taken wrong if put in context. Most things I say are entirely out of context. They usually dont even make sense out loud, although they definitely make sense in my mind, I just sometimes forget to say enough to express that. But I cant help it, that is a huge part of who I am. Things just come out and for the most part I dont mean any harm. So when you just look back with a look so entirely impossibly to read I wonder. Perhaps you are too serious for me? Perhaps you just dont get that sometimes I when it seems like I want to be left it really means I want to be held. And I am not looking for words of sympathy or someone to say things are okay, I have heard all those before and I know how little they do. I just wanted a sense of understanding where I come from, who I am. So I am scared. I am scared that I am just a little too much and a little too far off the line that appears to be normal, for you to understand. But maybe I have just spend too much time doing exciting things like heroin to realize exactly what reality is. Maybe things are okay and I am just looking for trouble where none exists. But when you look for trouble you always find it, so maybe  I am finding it. Or maybe I should just focus more being myself and let what comes come.

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