10 August 2011

Turn Tables Turn and Tables Turn

I have a turn table. It plays music that envelops the room and captivates both my attention and my soul. The music and words fill a space that most people wouldnt even know was empty. Yet those arent even the turning tables most on my mind. My posts over the months or years have often been full of tales of love and heartache and longing and loneliness and growth, some people are indirectly wrote about repeatedly and others just once. There was this one inspiration for quite some time. The words recorded in the past would indicate torn feelings and epicness along with gratefulness and annoyance. Regardless, there are so many words already written on this individual.

And today, one a very rare occasion I found the tables unrighted. Words of affirmation were seeked and for once I felt like he needed me more than I needed him. I saw weakness so cleverly masked and a hint of aching. And for each hidden thought or feeling that was uncovered my heart ached a tiny bit. I just wished I could have been on that side of the world to express how much more amazing he is than most people. How he has things more figured out than the average person and that his insane passion to follow his dreams and to live life doing things that he enjoys is captivating and contagious.

He has picked me up from my lowest points and carried me until I could stand again. He has been that person that knew the most inappropriate thing to say to make me laugh when all I could do was cry. He has been the one to hear everything that I said, didnt want to say and the things I just didnt say and yet never looked down on me. He is someone that everyone would be lucky to truly know. He wont read this, but in those hours today when I had the chance to remind him of his epicness it felt like I was actually stepping up when it was my turn. And I appreciated every second that I could help. And yet even with the unrighted tables he still checked up on our last convo that had kept me awake during hours I should have been asleep.

Some people change your life. Then they leave. And some people change your life and never leave. Regardless of the miles and countries and oceans I hope that we always can be that person for each other. Someone that will listen regardless of the hour or the issue and never judge.  I hope when you grow up you have a robot that will put your pants on for you. Enjoy your lame package, it should arrive in two weeksish.

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