30 August 2011

Let The Rain Fall Down and Wake My Dreams

Hilary Duff sang a song one time. Or maybe many times. Actually lets make it twice because I currently have two songs of hers depicting this moment. I just remember this one specific song though because of the lyrics. The blatant obvioussness of them along with the pure fact and ridculousness just stuck with me. For example "If the light is off then it isnt on".Who sings that? I mean I know that if my light is off then that means it isnt on. Thanks for the reminder. That is not the point though or why I am writing tonight.

Its been a rainy day. One of those evenings where you could just sit and watching the rain pouring down the windows. Like in the music video for come clean. Or at least what I remember the video being like from a decade ago. And I did. I sat at work watching the rain because the power was out and there wasnt much I could do while trying to cancel the afternoons appointments. And as I watched the rain I thought about how refreshing, renewing and cleansing it is. I love being out in the rain, letting it just fall on my face and feeling like everything is a bit purer. I like laying on my bed and listening to the rain falling outside because its soothing. And for some reason every time it is really stormy outside the rain makes me think of that third L word. That thing that is so elusive and yet seems so much deeper when it rains. So I think I will be like Hilary tonight and let the rain wake my dreams.

1 comment:

  1. Lesbians and love. I still have no idea what the third one is.
