03 December 2010

Little Links of Technology

It doesnt feel far away because I know your on the other side. All it takes is a quick text, or a fb message or chat or skype and all of a sudden its like we are together. And sometimes its like I dont even have to be talking to someone from home, just knowing they are on the other side and all it takes is a few keystrokes to connect is all I need.It makes the world seem so small.

But then again I feel like everyday the world is a little bigger. I meet someone from Scotland and they tell me about their travels for the last 6 months and how they have 5 left, then I realize how little I have seen. I have 2 years to acquaint myself with this part of the world and I need to get on it. I am thinking with my February break I will try and see a place or two. I feel like you know so little about the world til you actually see it. I could use some more culture in my life thats for sure. After I graduate I really want to do Europe so hopefully it works out that way.

Regardless, I like how all I have to do is open my laptop to feel like I am everything but alone.


  1. I just added your new blog address onto my blogroll. I hope you are doing well. We think of you often and pray that you are enjoying your new adventure!

  2. I read your blog every time you post. :)
