22 January 2011

False Advertising

I am not sure that any advertising is real. There always seems to be a catch to it or some hidden angle. Or perhaps it is just straight up portraying something unrelated to the product in hopes of getting in your head and you thinking that that goodness will come upon you once you buy this product. For the most part I enjoy clever advertisements. I appreciate the humour or the creativity behind them. However, when such advertisements take my hopes, and fly away with them, and then shatter them like a child's balloon being popped, I feel otherwise.

This happened last night, and I am still a little bit irked about it. You see I decided to go for an evening run. I got myself all psyched up for it and off I went. I had predetermined that I would run 3 miles and then stop at Sev for a slurpee. I would then enjoy the slurpee as I cooled down walking the last little bit. Let me note that there have been signs up about the new flavours at Sev, which is why I was set on the idea of getting one. Epic idea, I was so stoked. So I ran and it was much better than expected. I arrived at my destination and eagerly chose my cup. I then thought of how great the lemon lime bitter and the pear something or rather would taste. Sadly the advertising tricked me. There was only bubblegum, raspberry, coke and something else crappy. However the raspberry and something else were broken. So I was left with 2 flavours I didnt want. AND none of the flavours there were even the ones advertised. Ugh. I was so distraught. So I just bought vitamin water and went home.

So I just dont really appreciate advertising like that. I mean there are plenty of other ways that the world can knock you down, but when you give me that hope of something glorious like new slurpee flavours and then not even have them, well thats just harsh. So please do not advertise glorious morsels of love and tenderness if you do not have them. Thank you.

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