05 April 2012

Barry and His Bladder

I have learned a lot of things while living in Australia. One of the most important though is to not walk under trees. There are many reasons why not to. Initially I didnt because I was afraid a drop bear would attack me and well I didnt want to die. Then I avoided trees at night because Bats tend to swoop out of them at your head. After I realized I was fascinated by bats I slacked off and began to walk under the ominous trees again. Until I saw a massive spider web with a huge creepy spider in one. So it was back to the road. However, all of this was nothing until I met Barry.

Let me set the stage. It was a Friday night and I was walking up to the shops with a housemate. We saw our Canadian neighbours and stopped to chat, as neighbours do. It was a very common occurance really. As we chatted one neighbour asked what was dripping on his head in confusion. Since it flooded last year and well sorta rains a lot the instinctive thought was that it must be starting to drizzle. However, I immediately realized I was feeling no sense of moisture. So I looked up. And there was Barry the Possum, peeing. It was a situation where I knew I should feel bad but I was laughing so hard I just couldnt. Our conversation ended in a rapider fashion but Barry just kept emptying his bladder.

This taught me a lot. Mostly that possums have massive bladders. And that they pee from trees. I think I will stick to walking on the streets. I also think I will love Barry forever, even if my housemates say he cant live with us.

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