08 June 2010

Multiples of 11. Because today is not an Unbirthday.

Today is one of those days. Its not like the other 364 Unbirthdays I find myself having each year. And for the first time I am not home. I am still away at school. I pictured today being like most days, except a little greyer and drearier. I know, it paints a pathetic picture, however, I did have my emo music loving days in high school and I still know how to create those forlorn ideas.

I imagined being so alone. Spending the day in classes and work and doing homework. Except it would be worse than most days because it is supposed to be a special day. I set myself up for the letdown I so readily anticipated.

And then it came and was so beautiful! The beauty began with a bouquet of bright yellow flowers and a note wishing me a " Happy Birthday Sunshine". I felt so loved and well happy. These flowers definately evoke joy. And then I check that mailbox.. that one I religiously check each day just wishing there was something there. And it was different. There was 4, yes 4, envelopes for me! I was so psyched!

As I opened the most fitting present from Megs (along with a gorgeous card) this morning it began to hit. I was so far from being alone. Today was going to be a glorious day. I opened a handmade card from Jenn, reminding me of a present back home. A card full of missing me from Kaity- along with drawings Ajulo did. And then there is Spit, he chose out a little boys birthday card - and I couldnt have loved it more! I opened Mums card early and it was Dr Seuss. So it obviously fit perfectly.

And then there were those people that were too far away. Like little Soph. Cairo is so far.. but she wouldnt forget about me! I got the most killer email this morning. I think if all I had received today was that email- well it would have still been a perfect day. She has a way of making me feel so loved. And Sanchez. Oh Vicki, I am ready for you to come home. But since she is still a missionary I really didnt even think she would remember my day of birth. Who am I kidding. She sent the sickest letter. So yay.

Kaity and I are doing dinner etc this evening and well basically you can see today is so special. I likely have the most loving family and friends. So thanks. Thats all. I thought today would just be dreary and it feels like the sun is just living over my face today.

Hurray for multiples of 11.

ps happy belated michael.

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