28 June 2010

Applying for Scholarships is like bra shopping..

As I sat on my laptop in the living room looking at yet another scholarship I felt like was impossible to get I yelled "hey mum, looking for scholarships is like bra shopping, its frusterating and makes me go ughjmsadfjkbhghhhh". She gave me one of those looks like 'Lauren did you really just say that?' and laughed. She remarked on how bad it must be since she knows my hatred for bra shopping.

So today I just have to laugh. Two weeks ago I would have told you that you were an idiot if you said I would spend my time at home obsessing over scholarships and loans and lines of credit. Yet here I am.

Life is funny. Especially my life. The most ridiculous things always seem to happen.

Another example. I get home from work and find Big Bird in my bed. I ask my little sister and she laughs and crawls in my bed and tells me she is having a nap. Last time I checked she had now left big bird, a baby, a blanket and a stroller strewn across my bed. You think these things dont happen til you have children.. but thats life. And I am pretty sure if I didnt laugh at all those stupid little things I would get so stressed I would break down. So tonight I am just laughing at how ridiculous my life is.

1 comment:

  1. You're going to do great things, you just have to get past the annoying things first. Like bra shopping or applying for scholarships. But you'll get there!!!
