15 June 2010

Close Your Eyes and Count to Three

When you want something to go away or your are scared you close your eyes and count to three and then you go for it. You become brave and you step up.

So I am sitting here and closing my eyes and counting and hoping I can be brave. I have two more days to give it my all and hopefully it goes well and I graduate. I have two days to make my mark at BYU. And then I have to pave a future. I have spent the last 22 years following a path that basically seemed laid out for me. Going to University out of high school seemed natural. But nothing seems so apparently natural after university. I mean I want to get into grad school but thats still up in the air. And I want to teach Yoga but do I work somewhere or start a studio? Thats in the air too. So here I am. So close and so confused.

But its exciting! I can do anything I want. and trust me, I will. I plan on doing something epic. So as terrified as I am of the future I am basically stoked at the same time. So cross your fingers the next two days/two exams go well.

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