01 February 2011

Word on the Street

Word on the street is that a cyclone over 500km massive is coming towards Queensland. Okay, thats not word on the street. Thats fact. If this cyclone comes and floods my home which I have had for 3 days after 3 weeks of being homeless I will have a major mental breakdown and I will likely break things. Anything, like faces if that is what is closest.

Luckily, the same word, also known as the news, has informed me that it will hit up north and I will just get rain. So my new home should not flood. Thank goodness. I feel like a cyclone would kinda suck, and by suck I mean it would massively destroy everything in its path like a dinosaur on a wild rampage.

I also realized its too soon. I cannot laugh about the thought of my newest home flooding. That would be unreal. Honestly, if that happened I would just stop and look for Ashton Kutcher because the only explanation would be me getting Punk'd. Too soon.

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