06 February 2011

You're Using Your Headphones To Drown Out Your Mind

How did she know? That is exactly what I am doing. If the music is loud enough and my eyes are closed it doesnt just drown out the outside sound, it drowns out the world. And then it drowns out the chaotic scrambling that is my mind. I try and live with music constantly in the background enhancing the performance that is me. But it takes the spotlight sometimes and in those moments of swirling bliss filled with lyrics so carefully laced amongst the notes I actually find quiet. The noise outside is nothing compared to the constant voices inside. Dont read that and suddenly think I am psychotic and hear voices, its not like that. Its like a constant narration of my life along with incessant thoughts as my mind continually wanders through fantasies and possibilities. So I am grabbing my headphones and feeling the thoughts slowly being drowned out.

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