13 February 2012

My New Level of Classy

This is unordered. However, this is most recent and I would like to depict it.

I am home and it is snowing and heavenly. The furnace is on keeping me toasty warm and it is basically like I have died and gone to the most magical heaven you can imagine. Yet I woke up feeling ill, no worries I went back to bed as my plans were to begin at 2. I was finally going to go to "Colour Me Mine" and obviously the best drive through on earth after. This was going to be true sisterly bonding. SO we drive nearly there and I am all "I need some air" so I roll down the window and let the freezing air in. Then I decide she should pull over. And if you know traffic on 14th it is near downtown and never going quickly so I decided to just get out and make the most of the slow traffic. I then threw up on a building, and then around the corner twice. A kind man came and took me to the offices bathroom and after checked that we had a way to get home. He then asked if I was pregnant. Nope. Just like to vomit downtown in the afternoons. Welcome home.

I did decide to enjoy my death by chocolate night anyways as I figured if I threw up it would be worth it. I feel a bit classier now having thrown up on the streets.

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