07 October 2010

Inspiration or was it Perspiration

One: How many people does it take to make a difference?

I read that title on your coffee table one day and wanted it instantly, yet its been hard to come by. But it has crossed my mind several times over the months. It really does just take one person to make a difference, and yet that change has to begin with ourselves.

This week I found myself re-inspired. I have nothing stopping me anymore, no more lame excuses or things to fall back on that can be blamed for stunted progress. It is time to move on. And I feel so ready to begin that change within myself.

Today I started training for another half marathon. Day one. I ran 2.5 miles. I was actually satisfied, its been 4 months since my first half and it killed me, nearly. Physically I am finally at a place where I can train again and emotionally I feel more stable. So the training begins. I leave in 5 weeks so I would like to be in a solid routine by then. I am planning on doing yoga on my off days to cross train. This will be epic.

Along with the physical renewal I am ready to take control of my life. I move to Australia in 5 weeks. I should be living there for the next two and a half years. So its time to plan a life there. I started touching up my resume and working on a cover letter today. I also am going to get back on top of practicing teaching yoga so I will be more prepared. Yesterday I had a business dinner about finances. Yes, I am ready to take control of my life.

Please feel welcome to join me in the self search for the best me, because I am ready to be that person, and to make a difference in someones life. xo.

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