29 October 2010


Fourteen Days is equal to two weeks.
Which is equal to my time left in Calgary.
I dont know where the days all went.
I clearly remember that moment in the hotel room in Butte when I opened the email that changed my future.
It was conditional acceptance.
I cried.
But it was surreal.
Just something that was now an option, nothing official.
And now its only fourteen days til I hop a plane.
It is real.
I am such a short step away from moving to Australia.
I want to make the most of each day here.
And not because its goodbye, its not.
Its more a Dasvedanya situation again.
Just waiting til we meet again.
Yes, each day needs to be productive and beautiful.
I love Canada, and am scared to leave it.
But I am initially leaving it for Utah, which is pure love.
So I guess there is no room for tears.
An email changed my life.
My life is beautiful.

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