17 November 2010

Change (Day One)

I believe that humans were made to resist change. We like things to stay the same, because we understand that. We resist it when things shift because it is forcing us into an unknown. If change is inevitable than we do anything in our power to keep things the same. Today was a day of change. And looking back on the last few hours I can see my innate desire to resist these changes.

In the airport I watched Paper Heart and Coraline. Two of my favourite movies. And I did this to give me a feeling of home, something familiar. Then when I got to my house I just wanted a shower with familiar shampoo and clothes that reminded me of home. On campus I listened to Taylor Swift and the first thing I bought here was a Boost drink- yes, it is the same as booster juice! In fact, some of the names are even the same. That was like drinking home. I watched Gossip Girl to ground me and then ate Subway for dinner. I know, it seems like I am doing the same things I would do if I had not left, but heres the thing, I am just trying to cope with the changes.

Today I moved literally to the other side of the world. I was dropped off at a house where I knew no one. I moved into this random house, and it is amazing. I fumbled my way to campus and found the bank, set a few things up there, talked to someone about getting a phone and am now waiting for them to get the one I want in and then wandered campus. I found the building where my classes are, twice, which will be beneficial and I didnt get lost really finding my house.

So as much as I am resisting change, I am embracing it. Welcome to my future in Australia.

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