19 September 2010

A Little Green Eyed Monster

I dont think I ever really have thought of myself as a way jealous person. I mean, perhaps in relationships, but not in general. But then sometimes events happen and I realize I am not the bigger person. Sorry. I am really trying. And usually its not that I want to be in someone elses shoes, I dont, I just wonder why similar situations are not occuring in my life. This year I have had so many loved ones get engaged, get married, get pregnant, have babies, travel, study abroad and do beautiful humanitarian work. And for the most part I was just psyched out of my mind for them. But I will admit, there have been a few moments where its like, shoot, I wish I was in that position.

So today I am making a very conscious effort to be happy with where I am at, and not compare it to where anyone else is. Feeling that little green eyed monster eating away at my soul is most likely not healthy, so this seems like a better approach. So I am content with working and getting to play for 2 months, I am content with at least one roadtrip, and possibly two prospects before I go. I am content with planning a trip to Disneyland with just my sisters and I am content with how well life is healing, physically and emotionally.


  1. I love you. And you are so strong and such a good friend so don't let it get you down! You are amazing, and on the first page in the Human Book!!!

    "There are some years in our lives that we would not want to live again. But even these years will pass away, and the lessons learned will be a future blessing."
    — Marjorie Pay Hinckley

  2. I love you Lauren. I am so jealous of you!!! You get to go to school in a foreign country. I want you to be happy! I love you so so so much. Really. I do.
