28 May 2012

(Insert TMI Story Caption Here)

"Oh my gosh like did I tell you about how my cousins uncles grandmas friend died? Like it was the worst. (insert tears here)"

Please do not share these stories with me. I do not want to feel a forced bond that requires me to care. I would like to stay on the periphery of aquantainceship unless otherwise stated. Isnt that how it should be? I dont understand why people have the compulsion to share overly personal things and cry with strangers or in public. It does not make sense. It is entirely forcing the attention on you and making people feel bad for not caring. I do care, but not like that about strangers. And I like it that way. I dont have enough heart space to be worrying about every single person I have said hello to's sad story. I need some time for silence and my own life.

It just is not making sense to me. I think I should run a seminar on the allergy of emotions and how beneficial it is, especially since it is an acquired allergy, which really is more like a cure. Maybe that would solve these situations I keep finding myself trapped in.

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