15 May 2012

I Wish I Could Find the Words to Say

Today, well now it would be yesterday as with the times and all it is now the day there that it is here, was a day of birth celebration day. I actually dont know if it was a celebration. I dont actually know much about it at all, or maybe even anything. And I am not sure how I feel about that. If I wasnt allergic to emotion I would probably write something like how having the grand canyon of all relationshipal divides is sad or heart breaking. But I maybe just feel nothing because feeling something would be too much. I do not understand how the brain works in relation to coping. It is fascinating and confusing and amazing how the brain can just shut things out so the body can thrive. I probably should have done more but this year I just couldnt. And I want to say I will never regret that but one day I may. So all the words I can find to say are that whatever day this is, if its yesterday or now I choose to look out for me instead of you because that is the only way I know how to cope.

I hope that in whatever place you were that you enjoyed it.

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