28 May 2012

Gluten Free Fairies

It was always nice to wake up to stickers and a monetary coin under the pillow, even though it had meant something was lost. Compensation for loss makes loss more bareable. That is why we have toothfairies.

So where the heck is my gluten free fairy?! Today I found two of my favourite things on sale- Pringles and Double Stuff Oreos. I am pretty sure I was dying inside with the battle that began. Would I indulge in such deliciousness or would I forgo it knowing that my body probably couldnt tolerate it. As I began to feel sick thinking about it I sauntered down the aisle with my head hung not noticing the people staring at my muscle pants.

As I walked through the dark path between the shops and the place I call home I wondered what kind of compensation there would be for my lack of gluten. So far it seems to just be nothing, except perhaps a lack of vomitting, but that doesnt really cut it. I feel like when you cant have awesome things you should get stickers or monetary coins or something to lessen the blow. The blow does not feel lessened. I just feel cheated.

I usually pretend I dont care that I cant eat gluten but I totally do, it sucks. So if I find out the doctor was wrong and gluten was not the cause of such a portion of my illness I will punch someone in the head.

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