03 March 2011

Terminator: What My Running Technique Makes People Think

Just because the nice man offers you candy it doesnt mean you should jump into his windowless van.

That seems like an unrelated quote. It is, entirely.

I often joke about how running, as a female, you often have guys honk or yell things, and how that can be a bit of a boost as its like "yah I am out running and I do look good". haha. Thats the thought process I have. So when I was running and realized it was dear friends honking I just laughed and kept running forgetting about the scenario entirely.

They however, had a detailed thought process occur after it, which I have the good fortune of including. " we saw you running the other day and i thought your arms were going to turn to liquid metal and reshape in the form of hooks followed by you jumping onto the back of a car and using the hooks to hang on like terminator." I then laughed and was impressed with the excessively long thought process. And the response was "we had a longer though process as to why you might be terminator lol. ranged from you were hunting for the next sacrificial victim for the cult or the cult had kicked you out and were trying to kill you in order to keep their secrets"

So I apparently inspire active imaginations as I run. Perhaps I should put this on my resume so I will have an easier time finding a job at a gym, I mean who wouldnt want a Terminator for a trainer?

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