28 March 2011

Morgan M. Morgansen

I am partially in love with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I cant help it. His handsomeness and creativity suck me in. Morgan M Morgansen is just another example of this fatal attraction. The wording just makes me feel complete inside. Its as if someone took all the words I would think and used much better syntax and created the most beautiful short. Thats how I feel. It has reinspired me to actually write whatever I think. I dont write to impress anyone so why not go all out instead of just halfway out there.

I was thinking of this short as the gloom was spreading over the universe this evening. Even the sky knew it was Monday. Monday doesnt have to be a gloomy day but it just seems no matter how hard you try you will be outgloomed. So there I was, outgloomed. With the most ridiculous school schedule scheduled for us we suffer a four hour break and then are faced with another four hours straight of lectures. This may not appear to be deathly but when the day begins with an hour of droning monotone robotic chatter amidst silence as no one answers the questions being questioned it does not bode well. You then try and breathe life into the day during your break, generally you are useless. Then its to two hours. Two hours shared with little ones. They are like furbies, small and you could pat their heads but they tend to chatter mindlessly. So much so you wish you could throw them across the room or lock them in a closet. You try and drown out their existence only to have it replaced by the million words a minute explanations of each slide. You cant think fast enough for your brain to even start the process of processing the words. So the inevitable happens, your system crashes. This is not all. You then are blessed with the worst two hours of the week. Scheduled from 4-6 pm. This is not an ideal time for learning, nor is it ideal for the driest lectures imaginable. To make it feel a little more like someone is stabbing your repeatedly for the two hours we will add a professor that when he speaks fast the words are no longer english. And if they are his thick accent makes them unintelligable, which is as useless as them being in another language not known to mankind. The clock starts moving backwards to taunt you. When finally it is over you find yourself a little dead. You drag yourself out of the building only to see the sky laughing at you with its gloominess. And that is why Mondays will outgloom you even when you try and ungloom them.Time to close your snowglobes and wait for the day after Monday.

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