I am not catholic. I have never participated in lent before. But this year I am all in. I am not even sure exactly how I found myself so keen to be all over it. I think part of it is because I have been getting into all holidays, why not take a moment to celebrate someone else's culture or country or religion? It provides learning opportunities and heaps of fun. So I embraced "Pancake Tuesday"- or in non-european countries "Fat Tuesday". I woke up and made the traditional european pancakes, crepes. And it was an epic start to an overall dull and non-stellar day. And then wednesday came and I thought about how I had been wanting to cut out chips and chocolate and lollies. Basically my three favourite things. And with the flood and then exams and then travelling they had been finding their way to my hips rather often. I knew it needed to be resolved but I just hadnt managed to find that motivation. So I took up lent. Its only been 2 days and it feels like ages. Not because I miss eating delicious pieces of extremely unhealthy food, but because the days have been so long it just seems like a lot of time has passed when it hasnt.
So cold turkey it is. I am embracing lent for the first time and have abandoned something for the next 40 days. Mind you, when easter comes I plan on eating my favourite chocolates from home. Lent doesnt mean giving something up forever. Although I do appreciate that the catholics give something up as a sacrifice in similitude of Christ's sacrifice, so when I think of the deeper meanings I do think it is beautiful.
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