14 March 2011

The Ocean of Mediocrity

Do you ever realize how completely mediocre you are? Everyone is unique and special, lets not be cliche about it. You arent the exception to the rule. Perhaps you think you are though. But really, in so many ways we are all so mediocre. And the worst part is we become comfortable and complacent in our mediocrity. However, when you realize how mediocre you are you want to change, you may even feel your face getting flushed or your body being overcome with anxiousness as you try and force yourself to fight it. You search for one thing that makes you stand out, one thing that tells you that you are not just average. And you likely find it. We all have things that make us stand out or that people associate with us because they form us and are a recognizing marker in our existence. But that doesnt mean we live above mediocrity. We spend most of our time getting by. Doing the minimum, spreading ourselves too thing, giving up on things that we feel inadequate at or that we just cant seem to get. We rarely force ourselves to stick with something hard in order to achieve something great.

I fit in this ocean. Sometimes I drown in it. Sometimes I rise above it like a lighthouse when I let my differences shine. But mostly I am another drop of averageness. I have desires to do such fantastic epic things. I want to see the world and run a marathon and pour my soul into yoga and to be a driven physio and to change lives and to make a difference. But then I get sucked into such useless things that are lovely in their own way, they just dont get me further along a path that rises above mediocrity. I feel my flushed cheeks and realize I want to change, I really do. I just want to excel at a few things instead of averaging at everything. Something has to change and maybe this time it will stick. Maybe it wont, but its worth a shot. I am not aiming to be above the average in every way so that everyone bows down and praises me and kisses my feet. That would be quite the scene, but no, I just want to be able to come home at the end of the day and smile to myself thinking how I really nailed the day. I just want to get out of the mediocrity that my mind has placed me in as I notice my stunted progress in so many ways. Its all a mental game at the end of the day. Its about proving to yourself that you are something epic.

1 comment:

  1. From one stranger to another,
    I don't know you.
    However, I do know that you are a gifted writer. You write from the soul, and it is so real. You can't fake that sort of thing. You rise far above mediocrity. I'm going to take a stab and say that there's other things where you are far from mediocre, you just don't know that you are.
    I don't know you, but someone who does can say with a surety that you are more than you think you are. Yes, there's those reminders that we are not quite living up to our potential, but I would like to think that they are gentle reminders, rather than something that brings us down. (I don't want to get all Jesus on you, but I feel like it needs to be said) If we always reached and exceeded our potential and never needed reminders, I don't think we'd have a purpose being here. We'd already be doing what we would otherwise need to learn how to do. Sometimes it's not you proving to yourself that you're something epic, sometimes it's someone else reminding you that you are exactly that. Maybe you went out of your way and helped someone with something. Maybe it wasn't out of your way at all, just something little, that had a profound effect on someone else. We have days and times where we look back on our day and think to ourselves, "Yeah, I totally got that." But more often than not, we don't have those sorts of days because we're always trying to become better.
    We are more than we think we are.
    You are more than you think you are.
