25 January 2011

We Will Push You Off the Roof, If You Fly You Are A Witch

Let me preface this with the fact that I have been extremely blessed in being able to stay with 2 incredible humans the last week and a half.

However, this morning breakfast conversation took a startling spiral, ending with the most obscure conclusions. Somehow they asked if I was going to a convent, or if I had made voodoo dolls of them, of if I have seances, or if I turned into a werewolf during a full moon. It then turned to questions about if I could fly or if I had a cauldron to make my brews. They decided I must be a witch and the only way to find out would be to take me to the roof after uni and give me a broom and push me off. Either I would die and they would be wrong, or I would fly proving them right.

Hallelujah for their kind hearts haha. I am pretty sure half our uni class now knows and this evening they provided me with other options such as being burned at a stake or being tossed in a river with rocks tied to my legs. I am glad that I have so many awesome options.

But then I thought about people in the past who actually were killed because they were misunderstood. Can you imagine having people think you were a witch or a sorcerer and then just murdering you because they didnt understand? Maybe the world is not like that exactly right now, but it kinda is. People are constantly discriminated against for their race, or religion, or background, or appearance, or anything. Are we just like the townspeople that used to murder supposed witches? Do we make our own judgements on people based on little to no facts and then refuse to acknowledge the truth even if its screaming in our face? Do we crush people because we just are too ignorant to understand? I think we do. Most people do in some sense and I dont exclude myself from this. I know I am doing better though lately and not writing my impressions or opinions in stone. People are surprising and beautiful for the most part, so we should let them live, even the ones we think may be witches or may have a voodoo doll of us somewhere.


  1. finished it, liked it.
    I totally feel her when she's talking about sharing your secrets. i know i have a bucket of secrets that i want to keep from other people but at the same time feel the need to share with someone because i'd feel dishonest if they didn't know who/what they were getting involved with. (that was a ridiculously long sentence...)
    i'm sure someone's said this in a postsecret before, but i am of the opinion that we're all looking for someone to share our secrets with. and after all, if we're not going to share them with someone we give our heart to, then who are we going to share them with?
    oh, i'm a byu student who, for the life of me, cannot actually recall how i chanced across your blog :p

  2. Hm, maybe our paths crossed at byu or we had a mutual friend or something?
