We both came to Australia to escape our lives. Something had happened to each of us and we needed to find ourselves. Realizing that it feels impossible to find yourself when everything around you is a reminder of the pain of reality we both fled. And somehow, one time we met. Not because of anything miraculous, we met because you were talking to a friend of mine. That didnt solidify anything, you didnt even remember my name. So I dont know how it happened but then we came back, and now we are real friends. I think once it came out how we both ended up here we realized we had something in common.
Its easy to relate to someone when you realize you are in the same boat. Just trying to find yourself and rebuild after some form of destruction. I feel lucky that we had a chance to run into each other on the path to finding ourselves.
It sucks that you are heading back to England but thats okay, I will see you soon enough right? Thanks for escaping your life when I was escaping my life.
what is it that happened to you?