20 January 2011

... Psych

Today I got super stoked. I had a temporary place to live, and it could be permanent if I wanted it to be. Also it was with a super rad girl from uni and the location was great. Hallelujah, things were going my way.

Oh wait, then the girl whose room I was to rent came back. Psych. I am still homeless.

I feel like it was cruel of the world to get my hopes up that I was finally going to be able to destress and have a house and just go back to normal living. Sadly the world hates me currently. Thankfully I did yoga tonight so I had reached a point of ultimate peace prior to this realization, if that had not been the case I would be ultra freaking out at this moment.

Yoga saves lives.


  1. I was thinking about you a lot yesterday. Things sound like they're really really hard for you right now -impossibly hard. The only thing I could think of is that it seems like you're being really really prepared for something. BTW, Matt says hi. You're in our prayers.

  2. Agreed. Yoga saved mine today. I hope you find a house. In fact, I am praying for it
