Everytime I hear this song its that one line that sticks out. I think because it rings true. I have a skill in burning bridges. Mostly its because I feel awkward in several social situations so in order to prevent me from being in those awkward situations I feel its easier to ignore them or the people that put me in that place. This generally ends in me severing ties with lovely people just due to my own sheer awkwardness or inability to face situations. This comes about when someone has feelings for me and they are not reciprocated, or if they have very opposing views to my own and dont seem to accept mine. Or when people are overly social and its too much for me. So I end up watching myself light these bridges on fire and then stare at them as they burn.
This bridge burning is a form of isolation. It is there as a protection mechanism to prevent myself from being vulnerable. But once you burn bridges it takes ages to rebuild them, and some just dont rebuild. And then what are you left with? Just charred remains and a gap that once used to have a pathway to something better. Part of you dies a little bit when you cut everyone out. Relationships are the basis for so much. They provide you with love and comfort and support. They connect you to reality and offer fresh perspectives. So when you take those away doesnt it make sense that you are killing yourself a little? You are just taking away all of the things that build you up. If you arent building up then you are breaking down since nothing is stagnant in life.
Maybe as I am starting to light bridges up I will be able to take notice and try and choose another path of action in the future. No one needs any form of suicide in their life.
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