Lines are drawn so often. To cross out days on a calendar. To play hopscotch. To mark where to drive. To define relationships. But not all lines are tangible. Sometimes they are in our heads. Not like a fake imaginary friend that we talk to, but lines that we create to guide us. They mark our moral standards, our outward choices. They often dictate what we say compared to what we are actually thinking. They can force us to do hard things or to restrain from reckless things. But how often do we consciously think of these lines? I do, a lot. I spend a lot of time in my head in general so that may be why I find myself thinking of lines and where I stand on a nearly regular basis.
This thought was screaming a bit in my head as I was writing the previous post. I wondered if my writing gets too honest sometimes. If I say things that cross some honesty line. This led my mind back across several posts wondering if I have left things out because I thought they were too honest. Or if I had said brutally true things without a second thought. Both have happened. The overly honest ones tend to be the times when I write about the most painful or emotional things that have happened. I sometimes delete those writings and rewrite them several times and never post because I doubt that they mean anything. But thats not where this line is. This is my blog. A place for my words. Any words I want to share. And sometimes those words may seem convoluted by emotion and thats because they are. But I write in an attempt to better understand myself and to record my figurings of life out. So I dont regret any lines of honesty that may be in someone else's head that I may cross. Life needs more honesty and I am trying to embrace that.
Also I was thinking how a visual conscience like JD's, the rabbit in the track suit, would be overly beneficial in line situations.
I LOVE honesty. There is a lack of honesty in the world today. People don't say what they mean because they want to manipulate a situation, because they feel like they need to speak but don't know what to say, because they are too afraid to say what they really mean.
ReplyDeleteOn a completely related note, I'm a little sad I never got to know you while you were in the states.