10 May 2011

How Facebook Has Led To a Decline In Society

I finally acknowledged and have begun to deal with the detriments of facebook in my own life. Its no longer on my toolbar and I am logged out so its a lot more effort to use it. I also monitor my usage to checking like three times a day. And just checking, not leaving it open, not chatting, not stalking every person and everyone of their friends, friends dogs page. This had to be implemented as I realized how much facebook has become a negative influence in my life.

Before we used to have to talk to people to find out their life story. We had to work to be social and to get to know things. Now all you need is a first name, if you have common friends they pop up with that. A last name is helpful too. Something far too easy to obtain. We no longer have to just be fake to someone face-to-face, now we can look at their photos and judge them in our own harsh ways and then write some awesome comment about how we love their boots that just compliment that bracelet they have on. We can also spend ages thinking of something super hip to say as our status in an attempt to remind everyone else that we really are fabulous and lead the most epic lives. It has become a tool for creating false friendships, for stalking and for judging people and tearing them apart in a whole new way. And I actually kinda dont really like it.

I am one of those people that facebook purges. If you dont actually talk to me on fb or we are not friends in real life then we are not facebook friends. Thats life. I dont need numbers on a site, I need friends in real life. I dont need to waste time comparing myself to others, or wondering what people think when they see photos of me or read my status. I love the ability to catch up with friends in other countries, or for uni correspondance, or to see photos of friends weddings or vacations. But thats about where it is ending.

Facebook allows people like me, those of us who are overtly shy, to just back ourselves into our caves and be even more antisocial. It promotes spending time in your room on your laptop, or on your phone, or whatever, just checking things out instead of getting out and living. So facebook, I loved your movie, I love some aspects, but I love life and living it a whole heck of a lot more than I enjoy seeing what some randoms girlfriend looks like. Welcome to my blacklist.

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