04 May 2011

A Goodbye Ode of Expressionlessness

Its beyond feeling. I can talk about you and how it feels like you broke my heart completely expressionless. I dont ache because I dont hear from you. I dont cry because you just lost interest or something changed and you never decided to tell me. I dont look in the mirror and wonder what I did wrong. I am beyond feeling anything in your direction. You dont deserve to be someone that evokes emotion in my life. In all honesty I would have done absolutely anything for you. I loved you entirely. And for some reason that wasnt enough. Or maybe you werent enough to man up and reciprocate whole heartedly. I believe that love overcomes distance and well anything, if you are willing to work. It has been too long of you not being able to show you care. I am done standing in the doorway with a candle wondering if you will ever come around again. I wonder if I should have checked out for good when I left, why couldnt you just let me then? I hope one day you can see that love is not dead like the plague. I also hope that one day when you look into my eyes and see that somewhere deep and hidden you broke my heart, you realize that it is entirely your fault I am gone.  This is long overdue. It's the closure I dont know if I even need because its already so much of the past. You know where to find me if you ever become a man.


1 comment:

  1. *like*
    Why do we sometimes fall for people that are boys and girls rather than women and men? I don't know.
