I am dramatic sometimes. Last night wasnt one of those times. I just couldnt breathe all the time. I decided I was a 7. If I hit an 8 we were calling 911 for oxygen if I hit a 6 we wouldnt worry. It was a very long night. But ambulance free and by 9 am this morning I feel more normal.
Sometimes I forget what its like. It just happens so suddenly. It really doesnt actually. It starts out small and then after a week or two the asthma wins and the airways lose. The downer is the steroids they put me on havent started working yet but they also make it hard to sleep and make me super irritable and emotional. Why is breathing so important?
However, it did force me to take a sick day which I never do and is likely good for me. So I may not leave my bed except for necessity today. I just want to be able to take a deep breath without coughing. To just be able to fill my lungs but I know that is a few days away. I am that typical prairie born girl with the asthma and the allergies. It isnt new. It is so typical. So why does it still scare me? I think I need to be braver.
Regardless, I think I am back to my regularly scheduled ambulance free life. For now.
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