I expect rocks to be something immovable. But then who hasn't heard of rock slides? Exactly. That makes me think of the frank slide, I don't really remember anything about it to be completely honest. I just remember making a slide show about the different types of rocks and erosion and that having something to do with it. I likely only remember this because I hated that teacher. He was the creepiest person I had ever met. He may actually still hold that title. I will ponder that.
The thing here is that even the things that appear stagnant aren't. We can't always rely on things to never change. And let me admit, I am not always the biggest fan of change. I like familiarity. I do enjoy the unknown and occasionally pushing small boundaries but generally I live in the areas clearly marked as my territory. So as I sat on this bus letting music all too reminiscent full my ears I found myself deeper in thought than usual for a post long day bus ride.
The thoughts began with the lyrics "turning to you is like falling in love when you're ten". If you aren't immediately filled with mass memories of this album I wonder if you grew up in a dark cave. This album, this man, wrote so much that has been a soundtrack to my life. To being a teenager and going to college. To growing up. And somehow listening to his words from so long ago just illuminates change. I used to think I knew what love was. I used to know everything about what made a relationship work. It included a lack of emotion and complete stubbornness. I sure was a smart kid. Those poor boys that suffered through that. But this is far less serious than that. This is about all the little things I am realizing that have changed in me and my perspective and my ability to love.
I suppose I expected what I looked for to be stagnant. To follow a pattern. To be obvious. It would be solid. I would be solid and strong. I would not falter. But the more I have lived the more I can see how my facade was only a cheap Halloween mask that proved I was weaker than imaginable . I was a rock slide waiting to happen, or maybe one happening. Both are possible. Through the dust I can't be sure.
Maybe it is all about falling in love when you're ten. Appreciating the small things. Having that friendship and the things in common to bring you together. I know this will seem petty but last night as I was enraptured by several bands and their updates and the beauty of music I realized that it is insanely important to me to have someone that gets that. I need someone that can see how a line in a song can change so much. And how albums change lives. And I cant help but want someone that can skateboard. It is not my fault if it that is just an insanely attractive form of transportation. And I want to say these little things dont matter. But they do. I can find the big things in people, sometimes, but without the little things it all seems so irrelevant. I want that swiss army romance. One I didnt use to believe existed. I think these last few years have changed everything besides my foundation. I suppose that is all that lasts in a rock slide anyways.
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