12 June 2012

If You Don't Know, Honey, Why'd You Just Say So

If you dont know you dont know. I am just a firm believer in that. It is completely normal and alright and humanish to not know. So maybe that is why with 31 minutes left and the cutoff being 30 I raised my hand and left. I was finished. I had answered it all and didnt see a point being trapped for 30 minutes pretending I knew something I didnt. I am not going to remember something I dont know, I just wont. So as I sat in an adequate mood on the bus and flipped through my notes I felt an odd sense of peace. I was finished and I knew it and accepted it. I am more than happy with my responses, even the inadequate ones. I didnt know it all but I didnt waste any time torturing myself. I know what I dont know and I have no problem admitting it. I think I may use that as my new selling point, well after saying I am a dogsled trainer gets old.

It is like life has sit a sudden standstill. I am actually feeling the turning point. Everything changes now. I will only write one more exam as a college student and that will be right before graduation. Everything revolves around actual practice now, wandering the hospital and treating real people. I think everything is about to get shockingly real really fast.

I am probably going to say I dont know a zillion times in the 100 days of clinical that are about to enrapture my life. Oh well. I will just say so.

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