This was a rough age for me. It really feels like an error coming to an end in some ways. Or maybe just because I was thinking of that album today. But really, it does feel that way. It was not the easiest year. It was full of growing pains and just pains. So let the reflection begin. (ps I feel like this should be depicted in photos as well which is abnormal but thats okay. pps this may be super long)
So the age began with obviously the song and then it progressed straight into hanging out in LA, which basically meant TBS with Becca and Disneyland with my sister. I couldn't ask for better friends than these two. So for your eyes I am providing what Top Models look like on Space Mountain. Oh wait.. that's us..
Then I had to go and hangout with my friends Will and Kate. This was us hanging out one day. They are pretty cool I guess. They are waving to you, see how nice they are?
But maybe a bit boring so I brought most of my favourite people in the universe with me.
Oh and then I saw my soulmate. I also fell in love with her siblings. I wish I could steal that family. I might one day. And we did one of the greatest things I could ever hope to do in my life. JD and I went to Sacred Heart and we eagled. It was a true Turk and JD Guy Love moment.
And then a lot of months past without pictures to tell stories. The stories were more of struggles. Months came where I battled my health and had the most personal growth I have ever had. I took responsibility for so much of my life and grew up. I realized I had to stand for something because I was falling for anything. I saw how much I had to show what I believe and realized who I wanted to be and what mattered. Looking back the months of suffering had so much meaning and I feel grateful for the rough edges of 23 that needed to be rounded out.
And then a lot of months past without pictures to tell stories. The stories were more of struggles. Months came where I battled my health and had the most personal growth I have ever had. I took responsibility for so much of my life and grew up. I realized I had to stand for something because I was falling for anything. I saw how much I had to show what I believe and realized who I wanted to be and what mattered. Looking back the months of suffering had so much meaning and I feel grateful for the rough edges of 23 that needed to be rounded out.
Then I went to this ball thing. This is what I thought of that.
Then next thing you know it was half a year past and I was still living here but this time I had a best friend to spend it with. This is basically what is was like. I dont know why after over 5 years she still tries to hug me. This is always how it ends.
Oh and Daniel came also. And so did the kangaroos. They were hungry.

Then I was home. I threw up on a building downtown, but for some reason no one took a picture. That was the first indication of how sick I was. It was pretty funny though. Especially when this man looked so upset for me and took me inside to get cleaned up. There are angels everywhere. Then I had some surgery and stopped being able to eat cool foods. It was not really a holiday. But despite that I saw my family. I wont go into detail there as it will get me all teary. But I would be surgeryneedingsick all the time if it meant I just got to laugh with them all the time. (We took super rad family photos where we froze but oddly I only have real copies not digital ones so imagine a sexy family in plaid in the snow - insert here)
And then it basically became now. So here are the words. This year I made it through the hardest semester of my life. It may have just been brutal because I was so sick. And looking back I wonder how I managed so much being that ill. But I did. And I am proud of it. I am so proud of that age because it was painful in every way and I really fought it.
So here I am. Moments away from old and ending it on a high note. Work surprised me with GF cupcakes. And I taught yoga to a stellar playlist. Then I ran a late 5km with one housemate while the other baked me birthday cake so I can have it for breakfast. I am ending 23 the best way. Feeling so full of love and entirely ready for 24. I am ready to fight for everything I want and I finally realize what is most important. Maybe I am ready to be old. Oh wait...
Maybe I am not quite yet. Twenty three felt like a year full of errors and it is finally over. I have never been more ready for a birthday in my entire life.
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