Today was peculiar. It just felt abnormally not like a day that is a normal day. It has been like riding up a continual escalator and being so unaware that you are even moving. However the abnormalness hasnt been negative. I just have felt like I was outside the snowglobe looking in, trying to make sense.
Perhaps Summer and Tom explain it best. They are clever and attractive and heartbreaking and stylish and human. Their failures and adversity and success all seem so real and like my life sometimes. Except that my life is not full of such witty greeting cards or impecable fashion or possibly the two greatest acting people ever. I just relate. I understand Ikea and The Smiths and wondering about love and not wanting to be someones something and wanting to be someones something. I just feel like it entirely is relatable. And when Tom has best laid plans and they crumble and Summer has no plans and it falls into place I just think about how I make the most brilliant plans and they always are destroyed by life.
I think I need to start believing more in fate than just thinking that because someone likes the same random crap that I do means it is meant to be. Tom was just confused and Summer was just Summer. I want what Tom and Summer have, but in their separate ways. In the way that they each find themselves and have lives full of Regina Spektor in the background.
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