11 August 2011

The Reality of Mini Donuts

If you feel curious about the analogy I am about to make to mini donuts I am pre-apologizing. There is not analogy. This is actually me posting about how mini donuts are real. After over four long years my beloved JD has come to her senses. I received one of the best messages of my life this arvo as she sent me a picture of a mini donut sign and admitted to their reality. After years and years of pictures, facial expressions, words and animated arguments she believes. I have heard that believing without seeing is faith. Apparently her faith in me and mini donuts was no existant. However, I am excessively happy to report that she knows they are real. The thought of the, brings that sugary coating of bliss into my mouth. Oh how I miss rodeos and 2/$5 mini donuts.

1 comment:

  1. I always had secret faith.. but it's always more fun to make fun of you :) In fact I think I might keep doing it...
