12 June 2011

Paper Airplanes

The library was hauntingly quiet. It was a saturday. No one should be there, but so many people were. I had my section of a table. My headphones were in and the music was turned up loud. Loud enough to drown out the existence of everyone around. Unfortunately loud music does not prevent you from being hit with a paper airplane. It also doesnt help you remember how to refold such paper made machines. Ergo my toss back was pathetic. It made me feel like I forgot how to be a kid. How tragic is that. As a kid you dont spend your weekends trapped in buildings full of educational books. You spend them out in the sun playing. Or creating things. Exams kill souls and sleep and enjoyment. I cannot wait until they are over and I can play again.

1 comment:

  1. Come and play with me!!! I don't know what to do with my free time hahaha
