Every morning with the minutes being just around 9 I walk in. Usually the same person is there. My card is out and I ask for the same thing, the key to desk 8. They give it to me and say due back at 3, it never its. By the time I get to my desk I have booked it til close or 6 depending on the day. And I unpack. The top drawer is for snacks, the middle drawer for lectures once they are reviewed and the bottom drawer for my bakpack. The desk holds my labelled pencil case, my water bottle, my phone charger, my notebook and whatever lectures I am working on. Its the same everyday.
Desk 8 is like my new home. And yet today is the last day for a few weeks. I just realized its closed tomorrow and my exam is prior to noon so we will see what happens I suppose.
Its odd how life happens. How time goes by so slowly and so quickly. How we adapt. How we change our of necessity. I think back to who I was and where I was 7.5 months ago and I can barely remember that person. So much has changed and it makes me apprehensive. I am days away from home, from a continent full or people and memories and the past and yet I already know I will miss my new home. Even though its only seperation for a few weeks and I miss so much about north america I have come to adapt and love this place. I actually like desk 8, I like my room, my house, my housemates, my friends. I like the therapeutic train rides to work and I really like my job. Yes, everything has changed since I moved here, and I realized it at desk 8.
I can't believe you've been there for almost 8 months!!!! Gosh.. life is weird.