14 July 2010

Because I think everyone should own a real pair of cowboy boots..

Today I realized how stressed I have been. Things have been falling apart just as fast as they have been falling into place. And its hard. And I have been coping so poorly. I am sorry I have been tired and frustrated and short and impatient. Its just so much and so overwhelming and I let it take over.

But then tonight in a few moments I remember how it felt to be purely happy. I realized I have been so caught up in being sad or in masking sadness that I forgot to just let myself have moments where nothing else matters except the beauty of the moment.

We chatted on fb. I hate fb chat so much. But you were on and well I have not seen you in 5 years. So I had to say hello. I hope you stay in Utah an extra few days so I can see you in July and in August. I would love that. I missed you, but I didnt realize it until you came back into my life.


  1. eyy!!! we chatted on fb!!!


    nawwww....good to hear from you!!

    keep following them lil foot step's of julo

    it'll lead to happiness!!!


  2. Love I am so sorry things have been hard :( I AM HERE IF YOU EVER NEED ME!!!!!!!!

    and i hope he stays a few extra days too :)
