13 November 2012

The Nearing End

Tomorrow is it. One exam. In sixteen hours my college career ends. I earn a second piece of paper and suddenly it will be like everything has changed. At least that is how I imagine it. But the truth is I dont really slow down long enough to take these things in. Tomorrow is incredibly jam packed and when I finally have time to breathe I will be on a plane to see two of the most important people in my life. So I really am not sure there will be a proper alone moment for me to let it sink it. Actually, I will create such a moment because this is something I want to celebrate. Tomorrow is the end of a very long and difficult chapter and I know the one unfolding next will be full of turmoil and frustration and confusion but I also have an inkling that it may be full of a beauty and sense of accomplishment that I have only ever seen on television. Emotion seems to be welling inside. Waiting for the proper moment of release. It is all starting to sink in. Maybe a few hours prematurely. But emotion waits for no man I suppose. At least it feels that way. I have almost accomplished something to be really proud of. I just need to survive the next sixteen hours without exploding.

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