Patient: (detouring from my questions, flips his paper open) "I saw the craziest thing, pen of the year, $4500! Who would pay that much? My pen is $1300 now but I got it for $800, I wouldnt have paid $1300 for it, thats too much. (patient pulls out fancy pen)
Me: ( looks at pen using to write in patients chart) "I found my pen on the ground somewhere."
I didnt know people ever spent that much money on things like pens. I have my certain pens I do love, they cost less than $1.00 a piece. And sometimes I just use the pens I find. Okay, that is most of the time. How little I fit into that mans world. I cant even imagine it.
Lately I have imagined what being grown up is like. To have my own house. To buy things like couches and bookshelves. I want to have a library. It would be full of records and books and it would have a fireplace and a grizzly bear skin rug. It would be the best room ever. As much as I will never understand paying $800 for a pen, I kinda want to reach a point where I have grown up things.
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