Sometimes we censor. We contemplate others tender hearts and dont want to create leaking in the form of tears. So we just think things and dont say them. Instead we smile and say some non-meant pleasantry. However, this is not what everyone does. In fact, I have this deep admiration for people who say it how it is. And by this I refer to those people that are so outlandish that my whole abdomen shakes as I try and control the overwhelming laughter that brews with each word I read. This is how I feel about David Thorne. I may love him for the mere fact that his words are everything I am too scared to say half the time, the other half the time I may be on the same page as him just to a much lesser and less funny extent. Please waste some valuable time laughing. Laughing is good for the soul. And it will make me feel better about the massive amount of time I wasted reading his works today. What a champ.
From "The Internet is a Playground" by David Thorne.