12 July 2011

I want it more than anything. I really do. I used to be so strong willed and independent and stubborn. And now I would give anything for that dependence. I dont know what happened. I dont know when I changed. All I know is that I crave it. I yearn for it. I feel ready, I feel like now I could handle it and do it right. And yet it seems so far out of my reach.

When will it be my turn?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lauren? How goes it? I've been gone at training for the past month (no phone, internet, music etc) and thought I'd chime in and say hi.
    Cruising through a month of your blog posts has reminded me of a few things.
    -You have a great ability to write in such a way that makes my heart ache for you
    -I want things to pan out for you. Instead of writing posts about four letter words that refuse to leave your mind or work in your favor, you'll write your four letter word stories for others to be inspired by
    -I don't really know you, so ^that's probably really odd.
