23 August 2010

I love LOVE

I was thinking about Love, but not love like "I love you, lets get married love", more like love love. And there is so much freaking love in my life. I cannot even believe it. So, to re-emerge back to my blog I want to share some of the beauty of love.

Love is your best friend finding the most beautiful dress for you to wear because you dont feel pretty.

Love is a family that fits you in perfectly, even when you are not actually family.

Love is just looking up at the night sky and realizing how happy clouds and stars make you.

Love is the feeling after a long run.

Love is doing yoga and feeling the peace and beauty it brings.

Love is getting a haircut and realizing hair is just a thing.

Love is abandoning expectations and living now.

Love is everywhere and in everything. And I wish people noticed that more.

I love you.